Sunday, August 25, 2013

Best ways to help you lose weight without a regular diet

Best 5 ways to help you lose Weight

1- Set a time for your meal : You eat at a slow rate for 20 minutes only in a meal .. This is one of the best habits that help to reduce weight. Try to savor each bite of the  food

    2-  Whenever you sleep a lot more weight decreases : Number of extra hours sleep per day would reduce the weight of about 7 kg each year, according to a research in  University of Michigan

3- Try to eat more soap : Recommended before and during lunch a few eating soup vegetables salt .. and that because it reduces the speed of eating in addition to rapid loss of appetite

4-Make a trophy out of your old clothes: buy a smaller size that only fits you only  when you reach your desired weight as a trophy for yourself

5-Drink green tea : Many studies confirm increase the burning of calories after the use of green tea

for more info :
Lost Weight

Monday, August 19, 2013

The solution in fat burning, weight loss and Why Dieting types fail

At the beginning of it I want to tell you a secret, a secret it took me years to understand fully and completely
It is also the secret does not want the world of fitness and food industry to know anything about him, even though they know in their hearts that this is true.
The secret that I will speak with him has to do with losing weight ..
But it is not the usual speech and the old style (both less and more Train), which results in weight loss is slower than the movement of the snail


I am talking here about the lightning strike and shock to transform and change the body .. Only in a few days:

Lose several pounds of fat net
Will reduce the two _ four inches from your waist measurement (personally change my size from 34 inches to 18)
Your tummy will develop into a form flat
Will accelerate your metabolism
Will launch a rocket to the highest levels of energy
Certain you will lose inches from the hip, thighs and abdomen belt
You will also be able to tightly control your body weight for the rest of your life
I am talking about enabling the body's ability to act and the effect of all that and more .. Only in a few days

Now I can feel and understand if you doubt of it
But let me explain to you more ..
In the following lines will be to share a lot of important information relating to the loss of weight and free weight say:
The first thing you need to know that the extra weight carried by around you probably will probably not your fault ..
The truth is:
There are probably several reasons made ​​you wrestling and struggling hard to lose weight in the past
My guess is that you have failed in one or more of these categories:
1 _ You get very bad information with regard to how to increase or lose weight
2 _ you suffer from complexity and linking fat
3 _ you or keen dependent on the amount of calories in your diet through (both less and more Train), which is more like a spell-known in the medical community, which washed our brains with this nonsense for decades
4 You do not have any plan followed a simple step-by-step application even puts you in the end
5 _ you not see real results for your efforts which its currency and jump from one system to another, hoping to get effective results

Now let's break down and address these causes through the details:
1 _ you get a bad and misleading information
Face it together .. ICAD there in the world of industry failure and false promises more of those in the world of diet and fitness
I mean really .. Not to look when you see the new products claim as the best and fastest spawn us every day and claim the way!!!
The truth is: that agreed Diet industry millions of millions of dollars trying to convince us that they have the answer to weight problems
The problem is: they did not want to actually be able to know the real secrets to weight loss .. Because you did would be on the line of the profit and returns money
A decade ago ..
I had read approximately
All books and diet systems
Each expert opinions and guidance
All the tests clinically
Every medical studies exist that have a relationship with weight loss
I am here to scream to you that there is an absolute ton of information and misinformation about the allegations

2 _ you suffer from the problem of not only cell is accused of being overweight .. But also is responsible for the beginning and the beginning of the disease in the short life
Gel-known diets ignore that fact .. That's when we can control cellular .. We effectively have to increase our ability to lose weight and burn fat and increase the rate of metabolism and keep the body and guaranteed not to return to the previous
In addition, with the control on the cellular .. God willing, will live happier and longer life

Thread here for cell phone:
About two-thirds of the body's defenses are staying in walleye LG Tract .. Now when you eat the wrong food with all its bad foods made ​​you in the past as a healthy, these foods eventually wreak corruption on the body's defenses.
When your body defenses collapse .. Earning gains more and more, and when the cellular inflammation and could get a few times, your body fat stores will be easier and you are not able to burn fat or grease quickly as it should in usual.
If you have trouble I had a weight-loss in the past, it will be the closest answer you suffer from cellular inflammation, which had not previously aware of
A key vehicle for this special program that will help you in controlling inflammation, resulting in almost observations and obvious effects on the body in case

3 _ You are based in the calculation of your calories (all less Train more)
The medical mainstream in this aspect made ​​us believe that the key to weight loss, in short, is (all less Train more)
This rooting very frivolous and bad in every sense of the word .. These phrase
juggling (both less and more Train) is a very simple answer to the question of primitive very difficult and complicated
The line and the introduction of this talk bad .. Fail the movement of all the body and hormones that have a major impact in being thin or fat
The truth is: that your body does not deal with all the calories in the same way ..
In fact, there are certain calories cause us grease and the increase in weight .. In other words prevent us from calories burned grease
But there is little calories really good and that force your body to burn fat
If the key to weight loss is not counting calories .. This point should be very clear to the problem
The weight loss and fight fat have a stronger relationship to remove and eliminate the bad calories and good contrast increased caloric
Through the use of a strategic system that takes into account the expense of your body metabolism.
The biggest issue of it ..
4 _ you not see the results for all your efforts which its currency and struggled for it
If you follow a diet program or system for a week or two weeks and did not see the real results .. It will be probably ready to throw it in the toilet and program search for something or another diet works best ..
No one can blame on this ..
Most food systems and programs fail because they simply do not reward the sacrifices and suffering to continue
This key is racist and very important in the game
As is the case in our (Jeraond pounds), the this imminent Diet is the only one that I know Diet focuses on the maximum result with lightning speed of our efforts
I discovered that the Diet to be successful and effective, must be equivalent to a real bonus and important to our efforts which we have worked
When you wake up in the morning and Terry yourself that you lost by 1 to 2 pounds yesterday for only 24 hours ..
This will be tempted and leads to motivation and enthusiasm hard to walk and work as you do and constantly
This is one of the most important reasons in the success of this system and many of the people ..
Believe me .. When you see your body get rid of a full pound of stubborn fat from your body only during one day ..
Will be able to achieve that in the days that followed .. Will be less, for example, ten pounds of ugly fat that surround you were just in a few days
5 _ you do not have a plan clear and easy to follow step-by-step weight-loss
for more info :
Lost Weight

Thursday, August 15, 2013

How to lose excess weight

The overweight problem of concern to many people, we find individuals often suffer from excess weight and caused health problems and psychological. The problem is compounded when he finds these individuals difficulty in how to get rid of this excess weight; due to the difficulty to walk on a diet specific, and the lack of sufficient time to work exercise, and continuous follow-up with a nutritionist or physical therapy, then the most important is how to maintain their weight new. How can you lose weight? And any things start? 

Lose excess weight
Seriousness of excess weight :  
The beginning you have to learn the seriousness of excess weight, something that motivates you would because making serious strides toward accelerated to lose weight, to avoid the risks posed him. Risk lies not only in the external shape those infected overweight and suffering from problems in the selection of clothes and society's perception of him, but it proved to be the cause of many diseases and problems and health risks, such as: stroke, heart and lung disease and gallstones, kidney failure, atherosclerosis and hypertension blood and diabetes, joint pain and fat around the liver, as well as respiratory problems and sleep disorders and some types of cancer. Obesity comes after smoking as the most pathogenic causes of death. There is also a link between obesity and mental health problems such as: lack of self-esteem, loneliness and depression, depression and obesity, as it is said: The two sides of the same coin. There is no doubt that the loss of excess weight means to avoid these problems and mental health.

Seriousness of excess weight 

The reasons for weight gain :
Eating disorders, and follow a high-calorie diet, consumption of large amounts of fat-filled food has an essential role in weight gain, fat on the importance of the body contribute significantly to weight gain.
That it finds difficulty many people to eat low-calorie foods when they are available foods rich in fat and calories.
People who suffer from overweight may not arrive at a feeling of fullness in early, which leads to eating large amounts of food.
Reduction of exercise may lead to an increase in weight; because they are burning calories instead of being stored in the body as fat.
In addition to eating large amounts of food and lack of exercise, there are other factors to weight gain due to genetic factors or environmental, in addition to economic and social factors

How to lose excess weight : 

First: select for yourself a way and a realistic goal to lose weight:To decrease your weight should be your motivation and determination to reduce weight, and set a realistic goal to lose weight at least 5% to 10% of your current weight within 3 to 6 months.
The weight lose is slow and regular easy to keep it from half to one kilogram per week goal more realistic and healthy, compared to weight loss quickly, which could lead to the recovery of weight lost in a little time.

Second: follow a healthy diet and healthy:
Reduce the amount of food you eat every meal gradually, and be sure to be all-inclusive meal nutrients.
Reduce intake of foods that contain fat, such as butter, margarine, cheese and high-fat dairy and fried foods
Oil; because excess fat stored in the cells of the body and thus increasing the weight. And you'll lean meats such as: skinless chicken breast, grilled fish and turkey meat.
Eat fresh fruits and vegetables; because they provide the body with vitamins and minerals.
You can deal with your favorite foods, but in small quantities and at spaced intervals.
May weaken your will in front of some of the foods that cause weight gain, be sure to not be in front of you foods that
تغريك and weaken your will, and that may lead you to spoil your diet program.
Watch out for harsh diet is specious tempted lose weight quickly, and depends on the propagation of a certain type of foods and reduce others, and deprives the body of necessary nutritional values ​​that it needs, it may be effective but temporary.
Third: some of the behaviors associated with eating:
Drink a glass of water before you eat will help you in your stomach is full.Eat when watching television increases the amount of food you eat without feeling.

Start your food with a large plate of green salad without oil. 

Eat your food slowly and chew thoroughly. 

Avoid sleeping immediately after eating. 

Be sure to be a light dinner.

Fourth: Exercise:
In the morning practice some abdominal exercises and running in place for 10 minutes.
Start the exercise of walking five minutes a day until up to half an hour over time.
Use of peace instead of the elevator always.
Brisk walking helps burn more calories.

 Reasons to prevent excessive weight loss:
Lack of sufficient sleep leads to the body looking for another way to create energy, which are eating more food, be sure to sleep at least seven to nine hours a day to night.
Lack of exercise with a balanced diet, it is not true that practicing sport and deal with what you want to eat, or be limited to a diet without exercise, but right next exercise, a balanced diet.
Fatigue or anxiety associated with frequent thinking about weight loss, a condition similar to the case of lack of sleep, avoid thinking about it, and I run yourself to exercise.
Considered an enemy with food that fuels the body, are not considered food promised you, he is an enemy when you eat greedily and incorrect way. And always avoid feeling hungry, and are advised not to abandon the main meals.
Despair and loss of hope quickly to get the appropriate body to lose excess weight, which is what drives some people to spoil his diet, The body needs time to get used to the new diet. And hunger makes the body stores fat, which leads to the slow process of weight loss.

If you want more info please check :


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The risk of damage and cons of fast food

Quick meal known as meal containing noodles and foods high in fat and sugars, oils, salt, high calorie items such as fried chicken, burgers, chips, pies, pizza, shawarma and soft drinks Etc..

fried chicken


Eat these meals human exposure to health risks because it encourages him to eat food calories surplus, in excess of its requirements and needs of the natural Statistics, and the meals fast food cluttered work control system in appetite in the brain, it is characterized by intensive energy, which contains meal calories than twice calories in a similar-sized meal of healthy food. for his part, most doctors confirmed that malnutrition tops the list of causes of death in the world, followed by chronic diseases, pointing out that fast food is the reason behind the idle state, which leads to sleep at work.

fast Sandwich  .. Destroys your memory has shown a study by the Kaulinska Research Institute in Stockholm, that a diet rich in sugar and fat, as is the case in fast food may contribute to Alzheimer's disease.
The researchers studied the actions of genetically modified mice after he gave her over nine months, foods rich in fat, sugar and cholesterol.

Soft Drinks
explained Susan Oktirin bearing the study, it was found by studying the brain of these mice and a change of a chemical similar to Baltbdl registered in the brain of Alzheimer's patients, the researchers noted that a large amount of cholesterol in food reduced the presence of protein in the brain called "Ark" and contribute to the process "store" Memory.

explained Susan Oktirin bearing the study, it was found by studying the brain of these mice and a change of chemical semi metastable registered in the brain of Alzheimer's patients, the researchers noted that a large amount of cholesterol in food reduced the presence of protein in the brain called "Ark" and contribute to the process "store" Memory.

A quick meal .. Equivalent to heroin addiction has warned British researchers that the fast-food fat and high in fat, may cause addiction in the same way, caused by drugs, especially heroin, where they discovered that overeating is not due to lack of will and self-control, but because of factors addiction specific, so that it becomes the human body addicted to fats and sugars, which helps explain the high rates of obesity in the world.

For more info please visit :

Lost Weight

Sunday, August 4, 2013

More Small Meals, More Lost Weight

Find rebounds a new study revealed that eating two meals a day may be the best for weight loss compared to eating small, frequent meals throughout the day.
According to Britain's Daily Mail newspaper that it is common for some time with regard to following diets to lose weight is to eat five or six small meals a day as the best way to achieve the goal and to overcome hunger.
But the new study, conducted by researchers at the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine in Prague and found that this trend may be totally wrong and eating only two meals a day will have greater benefits even if  were containing the same calories in small meals.
The researchers found that people with diabetes type II who eat two big meals a day lost more weight who consumed six small meals with the same amount of calories.
And participated in the study, 54 volunteers were asked to follow the two types of eating plans for 12 weeks: either to eat six small meals or two big meals a day and meals were all contain the same nutrients and the same number of calories.

First: eating fruits and vegetables every few hours or between meals, level of nutrients fall quickly in the blood after two hours or 3 hours of eating, and therefore try eating fruits and vegetables to compensate for these basic elements.

Second: Eating the largest intake of whole grains rich in dietary fiber, preferable eat 3-4 servings of grains per day because it gives a feeling of fullness.

Third: eat two servings of protein per day. Studies have confirmed that eating protein helps you lose weight and maintain muscle tissue compared to systems that lack the protein, but the warning must not excessive intake of protein because the excess will be stored in the body as fat in addition to health problems like inflammation liver.

Fourth: eating fish twice a week. Fish is one of the most important sources of omega-3 acids

Fifth: eating nuts daily. For each type of nuts benefits and importance. for example nut is an important source of omega-3 and pistachio dampens appetite and almonds rich in vitamin E and folic acid, but must warn against eating large amounts of nuts and so they contain a lot of calories.

Sixth: Eating  milk products a day. Try eating 3 servings of milk and dairy-free or low body because it is rich in calcium to strengthen bones and prevention of heart disease and colon.

Seventh: Drink a sufficient amount of water. Drinking 425 ml of water a day improves the speed of your metabolism by 30% so it is recommended to drink 2 liters of water a day.

for more info please check this:
lost weight