Sunday, June 30, 2013

How can you lose weight? And which way you will start?

The overweight problem of worries many people, we find individuals often suffer from excess weight and caused health problems and psychological. The problem is compounded when he finds these individuals difficulty in how to get rid of this excess weight; Given the difficulty to walk on a diet specific, and the lack of enough time to work exercise, and continuous follow-up with a dietitian or physical therapy, then the most important is how to maintain their weight new. How can you lose weight? And which way you will start?

Start loss your weight 
How to lose overweight:
First: select for yourself a way and a realistic goal to lose weight:
To decrease your weight should be your motivation, resolve to reduce weight and set a realistic goal to lose weight at least 5% to 10% of your current weight within 3 to 6 months.
The weight lose is slow and regular easy to keep it from half to one kilogram per week goal more realistic and healthy, compared to weight loss quickly, which could lead to the recovery of weight lost in a little time.

Second: follow a healthy diet and healthy:
Reduce the amount of food you eat every meal gradually, and be sure to be all-inclusive meal nutrients.
Reduce eating of foods that contain fat, such as butter, margarine, cheese and high-fat dairy foods fried in oil; because excess fat stored in the cells of the body and thus increasing the weight. And you'll lean meats such as: skinless chicken breast, grilled fish and turkey meat.
Eat fresh fruits and vegetables; because they provide the body with vitamins and minerals.
You can deal with your favorite foods, but in small quantities and at spaced intervals.
May weaken your will in front of some of the foods that cause weight gain, be sure to not be in front of you foods that تغريك and weaken your will, and that may lead you to spoil your diet program.
Watch out for harsh diet is specious tempted lose weight quickly, and depends on the propagation of a certain type of foods and reduce others, and deprives the body of necessary nutritional values ​​that it needs, it may be effective but temporary.

Third: Hassan certain behaviors related to eating:
Drink a glass of water before you eat will help you in your stomach is full.
Eat when watching television increases the amount of food you eat without feeling.
Start your food with a large plate of green salad without oil.
eating your food slowly.
Don't sleeping immediately after eating.
Be sure to be a light dinner.

Fourth: Exercise:
In the morning practice some belly exercises and running in place for 10 minutes.
Start the exercise of walking five minutes a day until up to half an hour over time.
Use of peace instead of the elevator always.
fast walking helps burn more calories.

fast walking
keep the new weight:

I know that keeping the thing more important than the mere acquisition, and weight control is not limited to weight loss, but also to how to maintain the new weight and prevent weight gain once again, the deployment of your food at 3 or 4 snacks a day, and do not eat unless you feel hungry, do not overload the exercise especially walking, and away from legumes as much as possible, and reduced the sugar in juices and drinks until you get used to it, and watch your weight always without cause anxiety.

This was a brief on how to get the body naturally  for more tips please check
Lost Weight

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Best tips to lose belly fat fast and get flatter stomach

Lose Belly Fat fast and get Flatter Stomach

The most important factor trying to lose weight is to make healthy changes in your lifestyle, that includes exercises and eating the right amount of foods that will help in weight loss.
You will also need to focus on targeted exercises that are designed to improve core strength and tighten your belly muscles.You should also prevent the consumption of certain types of foods such as fats and sweets, soft drinks and other.

Get rid of belly fat is a very difficult task and this is a fact, but difficult does not mean impossible.The mind is the first thing that must be changed if you really want to know how to lose belly fat because your mind needs to be re-programmed in such a way that you crave healthy foods instead of unhealthy choices. This means that you will have to make some changes in your lifestyle. Some people chose the option diet and this usually works, but the problem is that they tend to gain weight again after a few months, and this is due not to teach them the correct way to eat and this is where the problem occurs. honestly, this is not the right way how to lose belly fat.

In practice an important factor in how to lose belly fat, and must include at least 45 minutes of action and cardiovascular exercises every day with the target. One of the most effective exercises aimed at narrowing the walls of the abdomen is the crisis of the stomach. This method has been used for many years, and despite the presence of many of equipment that can make this easier and faster, if you do not have access to the device, and this is a great option. There are also differences in the basic crisis such as reverse crunch, dip a crisis unlike the rumen and alternately. It is great to use different types of rumen, because this can help you to maximize the full development of the lower and upper abs. Other exercises that are useful options for how to lose belly fat is a bicycle exercises, hip raises, push-ups, stability ball curls and leg lifts. It is essential that you keep all these tips in mind if you really want to achieve your goal of a flatter, tighter stomach. It may be hard at first, but once your body gets stronger workouts will become easier, and will begin to see significant changes with your body.
This was a brief on how to get the body naturally  for more tips please check
Lost Weight

Sunday, June 23, 2013

The system (South Beach) of food diet simple uncomplicated

The diet includes a range of foods such as whole grains, fish, chicken, fruit and vegetables.
The South Beach Diet is divided into three stages in two weeks; first stage focused on the need to avoid one of the most carbohydrates such as rice, pasta and bread, and then comes the stage of inclusion of some of the foods that have been avoided in the first phase of average amount, the third phase relates to lifestyle where the fall in the daily diet diet and human accustomed to eat a healthy diet and keep a constant rate of weight.

Fruit and Vegetables
Can also practice this system also eat eggs, in addition to cheese, nuts, and vegetables.The snacks are required and due.

In this system, one can avoid harmful carbohydrates like white flour, white sugar, potatoes and pasta, but what encourages one to his followers that the weight lost will start from the belly area.

This diet has made amazing results (loss of between 3.5-6 kg in the first two weeks).

Loss your Belly Fat
 if you want to know more info about how to loss your bell fat please check this link :

Lost Weight

Monday, June 17, 2013

Why Running is the most important thing in weight loss ?

Why Running is the most important thing in weight loss ?

Running as they say usually is the most important thing in life, it is a sport as a whole, it is running you can do everything, increase fitness and slimming, sweating and warm the body before exercise your own, it is actually the most important thing to keep it for benefits large, these things make you keep yourself to continue in the sport of running.

Running Sports

Increasing energy :

Running is one of the best ways to stay in good health because the routine daily duties make your body unhealthy while running gives you energy, which makes you feel better and improves your ability to endure.
Fast Food makes you have a big Belly
Of the benefits of running also improve mental health and treatment of depression significantly in addition to improve breathing, which in turn increases the levels of oxygen in the blood, including the renewal of youth.

This was a brief on : Why Running is the most important thing in weight loss ? 
for more tips please check: 
Lost Weight

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Tips to Lose your Fat Quickly

Tips to Lose your Fat Quickly

The accumulated fat and positioned in the abdominal area, arch-enemy to anyone who wants to get on the body naturally
The problem of abdominal fat they need for an effective plan to eliminate them rely on self-run.
And the first steps that you need to know to get rid of the emergence of the abdomen, is the idea of ​​attendance at the following tips that will help you defeat abdominal fat.

A low-fat diet
Not equal diet and exercise enough is the main reason for the accumulation of fat in the abdomen, and can not get rid of the accumulated fat in that area without having to be diet and complementary sport.

So make sure to contain your diet a great deal of fiber, such as apples, strawberries and plums and peaches dryer This is for fruits As for vegetables must contain a cauliflower and broccoli and carrots, beans, and at the same time, the proportion of protein intake of meat, a few with a focus to eat a few pieces of fat, such as chicken breasts and beef fat-free.

Also Make your diet with complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, whole wheat and legumes love, with a limit of fried foods and fast foods and red meat.

This was a brief on how to get the body naturally  for more tips please check

Lost Weight