Monday, July 29, 2013

Weight loss and fat removal and rumen without diet

1-Breakfast an active role in weight loss
Breakfast benefits for slimming:
Recent studies have shown that people who skip breakfast are 4 times more likely to create and store fat compared with persons who do not skip breakfast.
One step without LOSS diet diet:
Hold the breakfast.

Breakfast benefits for slimming
Explain the importance of breakfast to lose weight without diet weight loss.
Contribute breakfast to lose weight without diet because eating breakfast in the morning speeds up your metabolism significantly.
Where studies have shown that people who eat breakfast consume 100 calories less calories per day ..
Therefore, those people who believe that they detract weight non-B do not realize that what they did lead to a slowdown in their metabolism and having their bodies store fat.

Other benefits of breakfast to lose weight weight loss:
Breakfast will stop cravings in the rest of the day eating.
Activates the metabolism of the rest of the day.
And will greatly reduce your stress levels.

2-Here are the best recipes for weight loss and the removal of rumen and contouring choose what suits them

--- Olive oil and vinegar apples ---

Take an equal amount of olive oil and vinegar apples and put them in a cup or beaker
Mix well to make sure they have mingled with some then Grease fat areas
To burn and remove fat

--- A recipe for removing the rumen during the 20-day ---

A recipe for removing the rumen
Teaspoon ground ginger green + green tea + teaspoon cumin and mint green
The most expensive ingredients well and drink a cup morning and another after every meal and the result followers.

Third: Running
1 / Running of the best ways to lose weight because it consumes more energy than any of the activities and exercises that burn oxygen (Oaropk) such as hiking, bike riding and swimming.
2 / running helps to boost the morale and satisfaction with yourself and your body and also helps to get rid of the fatigue and stress of everyday life.
3 / helps run like the rest of the exercise that burns oxygen to improve fitness and thus public health and makes life more active and happier.


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Sunday, July 28, 2013

How recover shape after pregnant, Diet after pregnancy

After the baby is born women feel tired, her body effects of pregnancy, and an increase in the size of the pelvis and waist.
the diet after birth helps women to return the body to normal if acted knowingly women,
But must be consistent with Dieting developed and be rich diet
Protein and carbohydrates.

But if you follow the woman unbalanced system, rich hidden fat "such as Steak - spiced authority"
Or deficient diet, exposed to lose 6 kg of fat and 4 kg of muscle, needless to explain that they will not get the same agility,
Even worse:
the diet makes you lose a lot of muscle mass, leading to a backlash because the muscles are that spend the majority of body thermal units.To restore the atrophy of the abdomen and slimmer waist.

Here are the means by which removes excess kilograms with stability in weight and habitual way of healthy food and final.

Important points:
After placing the child in three months and after that relaxes the uterus able
Start slimming body.

the diet with the sport believe in remove accumulated Weight.
Choose scrambling "ten minutes every day,"

Muscle extension exercises, exercises in the water to run and relieving muscle paragraphs.

Extension of muscle and yoga are the best exercises to stretch the muscles and contribute to the balance of their work.
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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Tips For Weight Loss Without Regaining The Lost Weight

Losing weight is hard to do. And keeping the lost weight is harder.   Perhaps this is the reason that there are so many weight loss programs out there. Here are some super tips for weight loss that can help you investigate the option out there for you or even to create your own diet program.

Add good fats to your diet.  Good fats promote a healthy brain,and Limit your bad fats intake.  Bad fats come from animal fats and hydrogenated oils.  These kinds of fats can lead to high blood pressure.

Aerobic exercise is essential to any weight loss program.  Aerobic exercise allows and encourages the muscles use as much oxygen as possible.  During these workouts, the heart has to pump faster to allow for increased blood flow, which strengthens your heart.

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lost weight

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Muscle fitness for your body

Muscle Fitness

* The second element in fitness, muscular fitness. It is quite different from the fitness exercises aerobic. To illustrate, the exercises aerobic use some of the muscles of the body, especially the large muscles, as something of a catalyst to increase the work of the lungs, heart and blood vessels. While Fitness Muscle moving toward interest of certain muscles in order to raise the capabilities of stand-alone use in the performance of various types of life movements. Here are resorting to exercises «Relay» Strength Training. And work to build muscle fitness, and to achieve this, leads to reduce the amount of fat in the body, and increases the size of fat-free muscle, and increases the burning of energy. The building strong muscles protect joints from injury and enhances the body's capacity to endure. This is in addition to improving the speed of going to sleep and indulge in it.

Perhaps one of the best comments on the importance of attention to building mass and muscle size, as a member of the core body, those issued by Dr. Edward Esquiski, a specialist in pediatrics physical therapy and rehabilitation at the Mayo Clinic and Assistant Director of the Center Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine, saying: when you do not do something interesting you lose the muscles, and will be quantities of fat anywhere muscle mass, referring to the muscle mass naturally composed of muscle fibers rich in protein.
This natural muscle structure is what gives you the ability to do the movement, which is also what he believes in us 'fireplace' lasting and durable ignition sources of energy demand to burn. And then, one can get rid of fat consumption amounts muscle in the production of energy for muscle movement. When the body is not natural and good mass of muscle, there would not be so 'burner' which consumes grease. And thus accumulate fatty tissue in the abdomen, buttocks and other parts of the body. And most damaging, is the accumulation of fat in the muscle itself. And here gets over the problem of increasing fat mass in the body, another problem, which is the muscle for a significant proportion of the mass of muscle tissue to build. Thus, the power of 'burner' burning of fat weaken, and the strength of the muscle itself in do diluted movements are other.

And show the problem, any accumulation of lipids in the muscles as a result of not use, Exercises and construction, among women in general, and in those over the age of fifty, and in those without it at the age of men who have office jobs.

And provides the majority of fitness centers many of the muscle resistance equipment, and free weights different gravity, and other means to do strengthening exercises. To a man, if he had the those sports centers, to join them and continues his training muscle through its programs, and under the supervision of specialists in guidance about how to start and gradual exercise, leading to a stable phases in strengthening exercises. However, it is possible to practice those exercises without having to adhere to any of these centers, if not available, or if there is no enough time to go to it. Such as the use of plastic water bottles when filled with sand, as part of the free weights exercises Free Weights, such as relying on body weight in muscle building exercise, such as lifting exercises the body, depending on the palms if expansion on the ground Push-ups, and other exercises.

It is necessary to note that one does not have to spend a long time daily in the muscle-building exercises, but enough for him twice a week of exercises share of about twenty minutes. The result will appear within a few weeks of maintenance on it. And confirms the Mayo Clinic specialists that regular exercise muscle building exercises, according to that period and the weekly rate, leading to increased muscle strength by 50% at the very least during the period of six months. So the important thing is to start and continue, within the exercises medium voltage and medium-term. The primary goal is not a huge building blocks of muscles, such as those sought by the players 'bodybuilding' It is a health and well-being and the best activity.

* Fitness tensile strength and flexibility. 


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Body building exercise

Body Building
technological advances as well as nutritional advances have made body building a sport that focuses on the art of the human body and what is possible when it is pushed.
Body building is more than just lifting weights, however. To have an effective body building program, you have to focus on many different things.

You must have a balanced body building workout routine in order to focus on certain muscle groups and grow your entire body.  You’ll need to include not only weight lifting, but a cardio workout is also important.  The entire body needs to be healthy and that includes your heart.  When you have a strong heart muscle, you’ll be able to workout more effectively.

A positive mindset can be one of the most important parts of a body building program.  It’s easy to give up when you start to push yourself.  Remember why you want to start the whole thing in the first place and be positive that you will be able to do it.  Staying positive can push you even more than you thought possible.

for more info about Body Building  please check:
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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Date of the Founders of Bodybuilding

Humans have been trying since ancient times to reach the stage of perfection in everything and in what he was seeking to reach perfection in his body and in his mind, and perhaps ancient statues in Egypt, Iraq and Greece carved objects human form ideal by showing muscles of the body in an integrated manner, especially in statues old Greek for the biggest proof of that.

Greece carved objects human form 
 But the sport in its current form did not know, but at the end of the nineteenth century and early twentieth century by Eugen Sandow German Prussia (April 2, 1867 - 14 October 1925) and who knew him that he was reviewing the muscles of his body at festivals and in front of the public, has produced a musical wonOscar tells the history of this man in the year 1936, entitled zegifled has played a great role Sandhu the actor Nat Pendleton. Eugen Sandow was organized in 1901 in London to display the muscles contest the highly acclaimed and popular tremendous himself has participated in the arbitration of that review. Year 1904 contest was organized to show the muscles in New York, and was one of the pioneers of these reviews in the United States each Bernarr Macfadden, and Charles Atlas and Alois P. Swoboda. 
Reg Park

Increased bodybuilding popular with the end of the Second World War and the rise of waves of liberalization of European and Media Influence the great legends of American big like Superman and Spider-Man, etc. The share of sports in general and bodybuilding in particular, too many of these new phenomena began to encourage young people to exercise their bodies and improve fit physical especially at the hands of Charles Atlas, published advertisements in the books of Comic Books and emerged in this period, many of those who are notorious for the beauty of their bodies and strength like John Gremic, featured magazines specialized in this field, including the development of muscle Muscular Development 1964, Strength & Health, and muscle and fitness, sports stars Lebanese She also appeared series and movies show representatives with twisted muscle brilliant like Steve Reeves, Reg Park, who played the role of many of the legendary heroes such as Hercules. Founded as many national and international championships specialized in this sport, especially Mr. Universe and Mr. America and Mr. Olympia and appeared many of them heroes of Larry Scott and Serge Nobreh, Sergio Oliva. 
Arnold Schwarzeneggar
Founded unions Arab bodybuilding umbrella unions under the weight lifting in all of Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, countries that has been a leader in these sports. Then it soon turn to bodybuilding split for weight lifting and established their own associations in both Jordan and the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Libya, Oman and Yemen. And in some countries still fall under a joint union with weight lifting. It was established the Arab Union for bodybuilding in Cairo in 1990 and organized its first championship in the same city in 1992.
The Arab Union for bodybuilding 

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Sunday, July 14, 2013

quick weight loss in healthy ways

Working on weight loss? .
Let me save you some time: skip the fad diets. Their results don't last. And you have healthier options you can start on -- today!

fruit and vegetables on scale,

You can safely lose 3 or more pounds a week at home with a healthy diet and lots of exercise,
How to Lose Weight Fast

If you burn 500 more calories than you eat every day for a week, you should lose about 1-2 pounds.

If you want to lose weight faster, you'll need to eat less and exercise more.
For instance, if you take in 1,050 to 1,200 calories a day, and exercise for one hour per day, you could lose 3-5 pounds in the first week, or more if you weigh more than 250 pounds. It's very important not to cut calories any further -- that's dangerous.
Limiting salt and starches may also mean losing more weight at first -- but that's mostly fluids, not fat.
Diets for Fast Weight Loss
Dansinger recommends eating a diet that minimizes starches, added sugars, and animal fat from meat and dairy foods. For rapid weight loss, he recommends focusing  on fruits, veggies, egg whites, soy products, skinless poultry breasts, fish, shellfish, nonfat dairy foods, and 95% lean meat.

Of course, once we are overweight, we usually want to trim down for a whole lot of reasons, some related to health, others having to do with looks.

In addition, it is never too late to lose belly. But the fact is, it is a whole lot easier to prevent putting on pounds than to try losing them later on. And if there is one thing we all know, it is that weight gain is likely to happen if we do not take forward-looking steps to stop it.

Health experts say that most people who are into losing weight usually stray. They tend to go back to their old eating habits even after they learn to enjoy low-fat eating. They tend to return to sedentary ways even though they enjoy exercising.

Healthy nutrition to lose weight

Twenty-three nutritional way to lose weight

1- When you feel hungry between meals, chew celery because it burns a lot of calories, or eat some fresh fruit.2 - Be sure to eat three meals a day at the same time, do not skip breakfast because they increase the rate of burning calories.3 - Try to stand up while talking on the phone or watching TV, and the control device without the use of a remote control makes many of the movement.4 - Use the stairs instead of the elevator whenever you can. 
Use the stairs for your Health

5 - the farthest from your mind the idea that smoking reduces the weight if you are smoker quit smoking immediately and March Sport light and you'll notice difference in Body Type and skin.6 - Do not use sugar, or sugar substitute fruit sugar factory.7 - Use alternatives to milk and low-fat cheese.8 - If you're someone who love chocolate or cocoa drink Buy a type that does not contain sugar or extra material.9 - Beware of canned foods because they contain a lot of calories, and sodium used in the process of keeping these foods hamper the process of digestion, causing obesity.10 - Do not deal with pasta or rice only once every two weeks, and preferably replaced with type made of brown land.11 - back on eating brown bread, and chose the type containing the bran, which helps in the digestion process.12 - Do not eat only natural nuts is the salted.13 - Use olive oil, cold pressed, it does not cause cholesterol.14 - Wait at least three hours when moving from one meal to another.15 - do not do a lot of salt, it stores the fluids in the body.16 - drink from 6 to 10 glasses of water a day they washed the body ofToxins and fat.

drink from 6 to 10 glasses of water

17 - Do not eat chewing gum, even without sugar.18 - Do not eat chicken skin is a store of fat and hormones.19 - Do not eat the lemon with the proteins it neutralizes pepsin enzyme responsible for the digestion of protein.20 - Do not eat late at night in order to allow for the stomach to digest food efficiently.21 - Replace fries barbecues and boiled.22 - Start always with the green salad.
The green salad

23 - Beware of soups that contain cream.

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Healthy nutrition to lose weight 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Green tea and its benefits to the Diet

Now most of us know the benefits of tea, especially green herbs, but experts still argue and recall that there are several reasons should make us more inclined to enjoy drinking more than a cup of tea per day, besides its flavor and smell fragrant and soothing a lot of times after a long day of hard work, all the reasons for addressing mood and senses, there are many health benefits, among them ten days:

Green Tea

Of the benefits of green tea:
Has several benefits:
- Tea contains a high proportion of antioxidants, which protect the body in general, and especially the skin, from the march of time and the effects of pollution.
- Does not contain any calories, but if you were to add sugar or honey to it. Each Tracker system in order to slimming diet knows that to lose 250 calories a day means to lose kilos during the nearly two weeks, and here comes the role of tea between meals.
- Speeds up the metabolism and cell renewal, many people complain about their slow metabolism, making the process of weight loss difficult. This has been confirmed that green tea can help burn 70 to 80 calories, just eat five cups of green tea a day.
- Contains a much lower percentage of caffeine than coffee, so if you drink coffee cause you some stress, headaches, or affects your sleep, or just did not agree with your stomach, it is time to replace them with tea.
- Reduces the risk of strokes and heart attacks, as it cleans the arteries and intestines. Was confirmed by a study conducted in the Netherlands about five years ago, that the proportion of exposure to serious heart attack less than 70% among those who drink black tea every day than those who do not eat.
Green Tea
- Protects bones, do not mean here the British tea which is added to milk, the fact that the latter is available calcium. The study reported on a wide slice half of drinking tea, and the other half do not drink it, that those who drink it for a period of ten years or more regularly have strong bones so as they grow older.
- Gives a sweet smile and beautiful, is the belief that affects the teeth negatively, the danger lies not in it, but in the amount of sugar added to it, and the tea itself contains fluoride, materials that could avert cavities, of course, as well as brushing your teeth well every day.
- Boosted the immune system and helps the body to fight pollution. According to a study conducted on 21 volunteers, half of whom chose to drink at least five cups of tea, and the second half of coffee for four weeks, the result has been impressive, which shows that the immune system is stronger in the category that regularly drink tea.
- Protects against cancer thanks to antioxidants in it, and despite the fact that the results of female students in this area is not conclusive, but that eating never hurt.
- Helps to hydrate the body is subjected to drought.
Green Tea 
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Monday, July 1, 2013

How to Lose Belly Fat

Lose your Belly Fat Naturally

There are many drugs, prescription or natural that claim to be able to help you to lose belly fat, do not deny that some people may be effective, but the best is to follow some dietary habits and life Statistics that affect virtually on the amount of fat belly, these are some tips to How lose belly fat ?

Lose your belly fat

1/ Do not miss the breakfast never People tend usually to miss breakfast thinking that it helps them to get rid of excess weight, but research has shown that this leads to the consumption of greater calorie meals following or by snacks, so they are considered meal importantly at all.
2/ Drink lot of water because large quantities of water helps the body to perform its functions on the fuller figure, such as endocrine need to significantly water to function properly, which is largely responsible for the regulation of metabolism and burn fat and carbohydrates in the body.
Water help you to lose your belly fat
 4/ Natural eating better than others because the food is naturally rich in vitamins, fiber and minerals than others, so fruits and vegetables better than natural food factory.
Fruits and Vegetables
 5/ Be fed gradually you have to make sure you eat slowly and small pieces that are chewed food to a sufficient degree, all of these factors help to avoid eating in excess of the need for continued and a sense of hunger.
6/ Move whenever possible laziness one of the factors that will help significantly in the deposition of fat in the abdominal area, so the continuous movement of the body throughout the day greatly help in reducing the deposition of fat in the abdominal area, can also make your habits are the most movement, if you choosedaily between escalators or traditional, so let your habits to use the traditional stairs.

Running and Walking
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